uTypia offers a wide range of solutions for all business cases of resellers. Please see below a short description of each of our solutions with a link to the more detailed sub-page. If you have any questions regarding those topics, please feel free to contact the uTypia support team for more information and help. Use uTypiatrodat.net​ for your communication.

Login in an uTypia shop:

  • Buy in the webshop – for business customer special conditions possible

Login with registration code:

  • Registration code allows easy handling of multiple users of big endcustomer with special pricing or conditions

uTypia company shop:

  • Add-on-Shop with exclusive access for a big end-customer.

uTypia e-procurement integration:

  • Seamlessly integrated into the e-procurement system of a big end customers(e.g SAP, Ariba..)

uTypia company shop plus e-procurement integration:

  • Seamlessly integrated into the e-procurement system of a big end customers(e.g SAP, Ariba..)
  • Individual integration options and settings