With this option uTypia sends Production images in a format that can be imported immediately into a trotec laser (.TSF Files).


This is possible for different Materials (Rubber, Engraving, Multicolor). With a special option (Quick-Print, Autoposition) you can even automatically start the Laser without manual intervention. Advantages to the RSM are Savings in File-Manipulation, Typesetting and Proofreading.

For Multicolor-Products the cutlines will be set at the edge of the stamps for easy assembly. For one-color stamps the Trotec-optimize function will be used to calculate cut-lines, stamp-shoulder will be calculated. For Engraving cutlines will be done on the outside. With the Trotec Job-control – you can create for Multicolor the inkpad and rubber.

With the Trotec job Control – you can create the positive/negative image needed to produce a Seal/Embosser.

With some e-mail-clients it is possible to save the production images that are attached to the utypia order email automatically into a directory where the Trotec Job-Control picks it up (e.g. Eudora mail). If this is not used the production images need to be saved manually in the correct directory.


  • The customer orders the product in a uTypia shop
  • uTypia produces the direct output file TSF (Trotec Spool File) with all parameters and sends it right to the computer, which is connected to the Trotec Laser
  • The Image File is automatically saved in the Spool Directory of the Trotec Jobcontrol Software
  • The Product can then be produced in the Trotec Laser on demand or with the quick print function of the Trotec Laser, the product can be immediately produced (if the right material is in the laser).

You have a fully automated order process, beginning with the customer order until the laser production. Materials like rubber or glass and products like signs can be done. Multi Color Stamps are also supported.


uTypia Shopowners or those who want to become, and who own a Trotec laser – excluding a Rayjet Laser.



Activation of the Trotec-Laser specific Data-Fields on the product
Creation of Material-Group and –Name that matches the Trotec Job-control of the shop-owner
Assign Trodat-Products to the correct Material-Group and –Name
This service is charged per customer – so if the shopowner has more than one uTypia shops, this can be activated for free for all other uTypia shops than the main shop


Assign Non-trodat-Products to the correct Material-Group and –Name
Cutlines for Date-Insets are not included
Installation of the email-client to save the file (manual for Eudora email is provided)
Files that can be used on a Rayjet Laser


  • uTypia Business 6 – Standard and Professional
  • uTypia consumernext –Basic, Standard and Professional
  • uTypia Portal
  • uTypia company shop
  • uTypia voucher 
