Using fonts in a Web shop to create customized products like stamps (or T-Shirts or Business-cards) requires a special font license.


The font licenses that come with Windows or for example Corel-Draw are not enough. Also any fonts purchased for use within a company are not enough. Also web-fonts for use with websites are not the correct type of licenses. Sometimes such licenses are offered as server-licenses. The license text needs to be check carefully still. It is not legal that end-customers send you fonts to use on the web shop except if the end-customer own the copyright of the fonts (see uTypia Install-Customer-font).

Trodat has made agreements for the use of fonts within uTypia with several of the bigger font-suppliers. These agreements have been checked by our lawyers and the lawyers of the font suppliers. Therefore we can offer you the use of fonts in your uTypia shop without a legal risk.

The uTypia products include a certain number of fonts. If more fonts are needed than Trodat has established a website with all fonts that we have an agreement for at http://fontinfo.utypia.com You can choose additional fonts from there. The fonts in the UTYPIA Fontpool are available free of charge. The fonts in the SETUP and EXTRA font pool are available with Font-Packages – as 5-Font, 10-Font or 25-Font package.

Only for ADD-ON: Engraving and Print

If you have purchased the add-on-modules for Engraving or Print you will also need not just the regular version of the font but also the font-files for italic, bold and bold-italic (if available).  In this case 1 Font called e.g. Arial may actually require 4 licenses (Arial, Arial italic, Arial bold  Arial Bold-Italic). This only applies with the engraving or print add-on-module 



Legal check of the font-licenses
Installation and availability of the font in your utypia shop


Usage of the font outside uTypia – for example on your local computers


Monthly fee – per shop


available for the following uTypia products:

uTypia Business next – Standard and Professional
uTypia consumer- Basic, Standard and Professional
uTypia Portal– stand alone and integrated
uTypia company shop
uTypia voucher

not available for the following uTypia products:

uTypia page