From the Library of...

Embossing and stamping books to show ownership is as popular as ever, and Trodat offers the products that your customers will love using to do so.

Even in the digital age, reading, lending and borrowing physical books remains extremely popular. So called "mailbox libraries", which are exactly what they sound like... mailbox sized mini libraries where people can trade books, are a normal occurrence in most neighborhoods and offer readers the chance to exchange books with anyone!

For those less adventurous, lending books to friends and family is just as common. Most readers treasure their books, and let's be honest, sometimes the treasure we lend isn't always returned in the same condition... and sometimes it's not returned at all. This isn't done on purpose, sometimes people just forget. This makes embossing or stamping ownership a solution that many readers have turned to in order to make everyone's lives easier.

This offers rubber stamp makers a nice opportunity to market embossers and both round and square stamps! Trodat's Ideal Seal pocket embosser and our selection of Printy self-inking stamps are the perfect solution for stamping and embossing book pages, as they offer just the right impression sizes and ease of use that book lovers are looking for. Dies for both Ideal Seals and Printy self-inking stamps are laser engravable, making production and assembly easy.

Check out our previous post on Laser Engraving Dies for Trodat Ideal Seals:


As well as Laser Engraving Rubber Stamp Dies:


So if you aren't already, consider marketing book ownership embossers and stamps to your customers, and tap into a new audience.


Thousands of Trodat products are available to order on Trodat Order Manager. Don't have an Order Manager account? No problem! CLICK HERE TO SIGN UP and you'll be enjoying the convenience of 24/7 online ordering and the fastest order turnaround in no time!

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